We offer comprehensive customs services and our proposal includes:
- Comprehensive assistance to our customers and representing them in a Customs and Tax Office, even in the most difficult cases
- Customs warehouse and bond
- Releasing from the obligation to submit TC33 guarantee — Securing payment of the customs & tax debt
- Recording deliveries (Intra-community Delivery of Goods) and purchases (Intra-community Purchase of Goods) in Intrastat system
- Submitting Intrastat returns
- Simplified customs clearance
- Customs declarations in the procedures to release for circulation and export
Comprehensive handling:
- of TIR carnets (including in NCTS)
- of CMR, DWC documents
- AKC-U excise returns
- Customs clearance related to resettlement property
- Handling of customs documents for natural persons importing goods from non-EU countries
- Sworn translation of documents
Customs clearance through the agencies in:
- Cargo Warsaw
- Gdańsk-Gdynia Harbours
We are eager to start cooperating with you.